If you need car insurance in Clearwater, Lakeland, Land O Lakes FL, St Petersburg or Tampa, then All Star Insurance can help. When it comes to insurance trust plays a big role, and car insurance is no exception. You want to be confident that your insurance company will be there for if you when things go wrong. That is why it is comforting to work with a family owned agency. There is trust there. You know they work for you and will look after you when the wheels come off. When you deal with an independent and family owned business you know get best value insurance, be it car insurance or home insurance.
There are several components to car insurance. You get liability cover, collision cover and comprehensive coverage. Another important component is medical cover. All of these are important, but liability cover is compulsory. The law dictated that you should compensate other if they suffer injury or damages because of your negligent driving. Liability insurance will cover in the case of 3rd party claims against. Since these types of claims can run into millions, it is essential to have liability insurance.
Liability insurance only covers claims by 3rd parties. It does not cover you for your own damages. If your vehicle is damaged in an accident you need collision insurance. Collision insurance will pay for the repairs or replacement of your vehicle pursuant to a collision or road accident. When you consider that the risk of an accident is high and that even minor fender benders can cost a pretty penny, you understand the importance of collision insurance.
Comprehensive insurance will cover you for damages and losses related to events other than a collision. You also want some form of personal injury protection plan to cover medical expenses should you be injured in a car accident.